The lateral lines are born to cross over each other, like right arm & left leg as we walk, but modern life blurs the connection. Pilates Master Nikki reminds the muscles to work as a team resulting in Sleeker, Tighter body lines!
Short & Sweet… NOT! This Class will leave Yr Ass REAL happy when it’s over! Gear up for Fun, Pain & Laughter!
Wake up MORE Butt muscle fibers for a more compact, tighter & happier Ass! the Low back will be soooo happy too!
Get more out of each Contraction. Let’s go DEEPER. Let’s Train the body better with a more ELASTIC Pilates Brain! Love the Brain MORE and it will Love you back mo’ Better!
Real strength comes from the balance between muscles. Get more muscle definition for a Sleek tight body NOT THICK Bulkiness!
The “Correct” Strength of each muscle is critical for the body to be balanced and prevent pain, injury and joint damage. Pilates gives back Muscle Balance for real strength.
Makes your “Edges” Smoother, Cleaner, & Sharper for a Snappy Silhouette that really Rocks!
The Butt is designed to help & support the low back and keep the knees happy. So many reasons to keep our Butts Round and strong, including looking awesome when you walk away!
Hit the Abs – ALL OF THE LAYERS – not just the top! Blitz the fibers so they get stronger & tighter to support the low back AND look great in your Swim Suit.
Great legs make the Man & the Mini Skirt but really support the spine which holds up the head so, let’s get those legs stronger.
Feet dictate how well your Metabolic Rate reacts to Life. Get Leaner & Cleaner
(inside) by using your feet. (Yes we use the rest of your body too … relax & get to Class)
Tricking the body to do challenging movements is Phenomenal for the Body and the Brain! Win Win Win! Hurray for Pilates!
Firm Defined arms start with the “proper” angle of upper spine to the torso & waist. This class teaches us how to have Less “Struggle” to get fabulous results.
Strong muscle fibers which are compact yet “Springy” (flexible) are Beautiful and in Balance with all other muscle groups. The focus is balance to gain strength & beauty.
Get the Basal resting rate UP! We train the body to be more oxygen efficient for better stamina, better mood, better muscle tone and better living.
Gravity is constant BUT if we change the angles of our body as we train, Gravity can change our body shape faster than ever!
Your Ass will sing with Joy as we give it more Shape, Power & Strength! Everyone wins in this Mat Pilates Ass class!
Keep the Legs Strong. Tapered and firm Legs LOOK HOT and it also keeps the Abs firm & Low Back PAIN FREE.
Dedicated to making authentic Pilates training accessible worldwide, empowering you to improve your well-being, achieve physical transformation, and live a balanced and vibrant life.
Pilates Master Nikki
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