Close your eyes. See the most beautiful legs ever. Those legs are yours w/ Master Nikki!
Gain lean muscle with flexibility and balance for a strong beautiful body.
Flat Asses, Double chins, Droopy eyelids, Pain & Stress from “Modern Life” ERASED with Pilates designed to FREE the body from the bondage of todays’ crazy way of life!
Abs want to work hard but weak, tight muscles don’t want Abs don’t ANYTHING! Fix that here and now!
Bubbles are fun & functional too! Be rounder in the Butt to be flatter in the Abs!
Screen Sharing..? NO this is taking your Ass OVER for just awhile. The result will make you smile 🙂
Mo’ fun than a barrel of monkeys! The Ass will cry for more Pilates! Snap the Ass to attention!
Beyond just “Sweating” this Metabolic Booster pumps the Lymph system & Revs Up Cellular Regeneration and stimulating fat burning at an accelerated rate.
Don’t WAIT – Start here! This Pilates class the key to making the whole body more Tone & Stronger thru the Abdominal muscles!
Those Low Abs WANT to work but the tightness of the spine & legs gets in the way. Change that here & NOW!
Convincing the waist to tighten while using the Abs is better than a party trick. It’s Pilates Master Trickery just for you!
Sitting tries to Dominate our Alignment. Don’t LET it! Fight Back with Pilates and UNRAVEL those bad habits for a better you & me.
Great Legs need making. Balanced, strong legs have nice & tight Inner thighs, smooth back of thighs, & just in case Godzilla is chasing you, Legs that can RUN…
This class is designed to get oppositional forces to work together better. Look better, Feel lighter & Go longer cause you have plenty left to live!
Inner thighs & Triceps form a “Line of Force” to stabilize the body as it moves. So do the Ass & Abs! The Silhouette gives power & balance to movement and get noticed when you walk in a room too!
Low Abs ASLEEP on the JOB? Pilates is the BEST WAKE UP CALL EVER!
Low Abs must be flattened for the Low Back to be pain free. Lets make that happen!
Clean OUT the winter drudge and Speed Up the CELLULAR Neo-Genesis (Renewal) of the Brain & Body! Have Fun & SuperCHARGE All your Cells now!
Pilates to fire up the Arms and reconnect them to the Waist & the Abs! Pilates begins when class is over and the “new” Pilates movements stay imprinted in the body so you continue to move arms from waist & Abs!
Low Abs ASLEEP on the JOB? Pilates is the BEST WAKE UP CALL EVER!
Contour & Shape the body by fixing “Bad” Posture! One affects the other just like “Which came first the Egg or the Chicken….?”
The “Sides” of your Abs must contract inward. Teaching the Abs how is half the “Fun” the results are the rest of the “Fun”
Keep the Brain strong & sharp – all while having FUN! Pilates for the win
Hips, Waist, Abs, Arms, Butt & your soul get ready to Rock & be Rock hard too!
Dedicated to making authentic Pilates training accessible worldwide, empowering you to improve your well-being, achieve physical transformation, and live a balanced and vibrant life.
Pilates Master Nikki
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